Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing
Is All Well When It Ends?

Is All Well When It Ends?

How your ending informs your story arc.

Part 1: General discussion

How do you know that you've reached the end of your story?

Farid: When there is no room left for the MC to grow. Find the MC’s arc.  Use character conceptualization to find out who the character is and what their future and goal is.

Goals are intertwined with the theme of the Story.

Themes: (examples)

  • Fall for Grace

  • Hero’s Journey

Kelly: Consider The Expanse; it may have lost its way, but every character had a story arc. What is the MC's short-term goal? How does his density manifest early in the story?

The character should drive the plot.

Gloria: But oops! What if the plot drives the characters? If the theme is self-actualization this makes it okay?

Lyn: Well I hope so. My story is about how the plot drives my MC to change herself.

Part 2: Short Readings from WIP

Part 3: The funny (gross) thing that happened at the Atlanta Writer’s Club Meeting. We also had a great speaker. Brandon McNulty spoke about scene structure. Brandon’s YouTube Page is Writer Brandon McNulty

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Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing
This Substack is about the science fiction and fantasy writing process. We are authors and aspiring authors who share our journey, tips, hopes, and trials as we create our worlds. Join us while we discuss topics that inform our writing and occasionally read from our works in progress. This is our support group, our therapy. This is the last frontier, and you are not alone.